


別提冰島破產,連GM的總值在星期四已跌到美金2.7 Billions,福特汽車公司總值則跌至美金4.7 BN。GM可能破產的謠言四傳,儘管GM再再否認。這兩大汽車工業的慘淡營運未來,讓原本事業率已高,經濟復甦機會渺小的密西根州經濟雪上加霜。






有關冰島破產這則新聞,今天(10/10/2008) WSJ頭版登了較詳盡的報導,NPR的每週國際大事也提出來討論。目前蘇俄願意借錢給NATO成員國的冰島,但國際貨幣基金組織 (IMF) 卻沒行動。西方國家對蘇俄的善行以為存心不良,希望蘇俄能透過和IMF合作來救濟冰島。至今,蘇俄沒有採取此建議的趨向。




至於冰島,去年有位作家Eric Weiner寫了本"The Geography of Bliss",想找出哪裡的人最快樂?經過周遊列國後,舉冰島為第一。這個在去年被視為最快樂的國家,在這段時間裡,人民由快樂富有的銀行家,轉身重操舊業淪為曬網打漁的漁家。補破網也算本份,就是別窮極思濫,重拾老祖宗的海盜買賣,成為北海小英雄。想起來,吃吃喝喝放浪四海作無本生意,應該也算「自在快樂」,冰島還是可以算最快樂的國家吧!






========新聞剪貼: GM和福特財務危機===========


GM says it will not seek bankruptcy protection, despite stock price crash

• Carmaker admits it faces 'unprecedented challenges'
• Credit rating likely to sink further into junk status

General Motors insisted yesterday that bankruptcy was not an option, despite facing what it described as "unprecedented challenges".

Fears have been growing that the biggest US carmakers, GM and Ford, are close to calamity as the crisis in the financial markets has bled into the real economy.

Shares in the pair were back under pressure in early trading on Wall Street yesterday after going over the precipice on Thursday on fresh evidence of slowing car sales and a warning that the credit ratings of both companies could be cut deeper into "junk" territory, making it even harder for them to borrow money. GM shares crashed 31% on Thursday to close at $4.76, their lowest in almost 60 years. Ford's stock fell 21% the same day.

The big three carmakers in the US, including Chrysler, have been losing market share for years, but a collapse of one would shatter American self-confidence.

GM, worth $52.4bn (£30bn) at its peak in 2000, has dropped below $2.7bn in market value - less than it was worth at the beginning of the Great Depression. Ford is valued at about $4.7bn.

In a statement before the market opened, GM said: "Clearly we face unprecedented challenges related to uncertainty in financial markets globally, and weakening economic fundamentals in many key markets. But bankruptcy protection is not an option GM is considering."

Barclays Capital added to the pressure on GM yesterday when their analyst Brian Johnson cut his target on the shares to $4. GM has $21bn in the bank but is burning through $1bn a month and Johnson said the company's need for cash was increasing. Last year, GM lost $38bn.

GM sales have fallen 17.8% in the US this year and are down 1.9% in Europe. But JD Power warned on Thursday that the picture was likely to worsen along with the broader economy. "The global market in 2009 may experience an outright collapse," the firm said.

GM is working to cut $10bn in costs and raise $5bn from the sale of assets such as the Hummer brand.

Critics have suggested the companies have been authors of their own downfall. The sclerotic US motor industry was still producing gas-guzzling four-wheel drives while Asian carmakers were producing smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles in tune with the market.

The US government has promised $25bn in loans to help the industry develop more fuel-efficient cars.

In Britain, GM employs almost 5,000 workers at two plants - Ellesmere Port in Cheshire, which produced 128,000 vehicles last year, and Luton, which last year made 66,000. Ellesmere Port has been scaling back - in 2005 it made 189,000.

Ford employs about 12,500 people at sites in Dagenham, Bridgend, Southampton and Dunton in Essex.

Workers have been put on a four-day week until the end of the year. A Ford spokesman said the four-day week seemed likely to be extended into 2009.

"We have to assess the market situation but the outlook isn't looking good," the spokesman said. © Guardian News and Media Limited 2008



=============新聞剪貼: 有關冰島是世界上最快樂的國家==============


So you’ve concluded that Icelanders actually are happier?

Yes. Statistically, you have a good combination of capitalistic opportunities and a social safety net. You’re halfway between the U.S. and Europe, geographically, of course, but also in other ways. Culturally. You have the American can-do attitude and entrepreneurial spirit, which a lot of European countries lack, and you have the social safety net.

Not to say that those things cancel each other out, but we certainly don’t have the same amount of social safety we used to. The extremes are growing. Someone will take a chance and succeed, and that will move them further away from the general population…

Next thing you know they’re flying in Elton John to perform at their birthday! That’s a good point, that’s why I think happiness is a fluid thing and there is such a thing as geography of happiness, it’s geography and points in time. And Iceland, maybe you’re enjoying the success of five or ten years ago. People and nations tend to be their happiest when about to achieve something great, not when they’ve already achieved it. Afterwards, you feel a bit lost; you don’t know what to do next. Right before, that’s a good place to be, and maybe you’ve already passed that curve.


Highest birth rate in Europe + highest divorce rate + highest percentage of women working outside the home = the best country in the world in which to live.


On top of the world

* 1 Denmark
* 2 Switzerland
* 3 Austria
* 4 Iceland
* 5 Bahamas
* 6 Finland
* 7 Sweden
* 8 Bhutan
* 9 Brunei
* 10 Canada




===============新聞剪貼: 蘇俄財援冰島,動機令西方國家懷疑================


Russia, IMF should cooperate on Iceland-World Bank

  • Reuters
  •  Friday October 10 2008
By Gleb Bryanski

WASHINGTON, Oct 10 (Reuters) - Russia should cooperate with the International Monetary Fund when issuing a loan to Iceland, Shigeo Katsu, the World Bank's Vice President for Europe and Central Asia said on Friday.

Oil-rich Russia has said it views Iceland's request for the 4-billion euro loan positively but terms and conditions of the loan will be set during the negotiations next week. Russia's move is widely regarded as politically motivated.

"I do not know what is being negotiated but I think it would be very positive if it were in conjunction with an IMF-led programme, which will ensure that there is an overall workout in that context," Katsu told Reuters.

"A contribution to such workout would certainly be a great contribution," Katsu said.

The IMF sent a mission to Iceland after the country's financial markets ground to a halt, the national currency plummeted and the government seized control of three of Iceland's biggest banks.

The IMF team's visit was billed as a fact-finding mission. Iceland's prime minister has said Iceland is undecided on whether it would turn to the fund, although many analysts believe it will need to.

Russia, sitting on the world's third-largest foreign exchange reserves and running an oil-fuelled budget surplus, has announced it will spend over $200 billions battling the financial crisis on its own territory.

Russia's surprise decision to lend money to NATO member Iceland was viewed with suspicion in the West, where many thought the move was part of an effort to restore Russia's clout on the world's stage and that the loan would lack transparency.

Katsu played down political fears over Russia' decision and said in the current situation any contribution to battling the crisis is welcome.

"This has been a global crisis where you never know from which corner you may be hit. So lending a helping hand to Iceland may contribute to calming down some of the crisis that comes from that side," he said.

Russia, which had to write off billions of dollars in loans issued by the Soviet Union to developing countries in exchange for political support, has yet to explain the economic rationale behind its decision. (Reporting by Gleb Bryanski; Editing by Andrea Ricci)



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