



想躲情債的,可以逃回老巢,讓房子帶著自己逃之夭夭。(Don't leave home without it.)









第一所「會走路的房子」 可抗擊洪水


設 計師已經製造出一間由6條液壓「腿」支撐、可以跋涉於任何地形的房屋。它有3.05米高,屋內有起居室、廚房、衛生間、木製火爐和一個控制這6條液壓 「腿」的大型計算機。這個屋子行走起來是靠太陽能和風能作為動力,速度相當於正常人行走速度。每條「腿」都可以獨立行走,而且總是有三條「腿」著地以確保 平衡。

這個「會走路的家」是由丹麥哥本哈根N55 藝術共同體和美國麻省理工學院的工程師合作創造的,它23日將在英國劍橋的Wysing藝術中心邁出第一步。Wysing藝術中心的海倫.羅賓森說:「它 可不是一種大篷車。這是一種可持續發展的生活方式,能持續很多年的生活。可能它看起來有些激進,但是,它可能是未來幾年人們可選擇的一種居住方式。」





Walking house can escape floods or unruly neighbours

It is the ultimate house for beating floods or unfriendly neighbours - a home built on six hydraulic legs that can walk.

Walking house -
The first prototype of the N55 Walking house Photo: SWNS


The 10ft high home is solar and wind powered and can stroll at walking pace across all terrains.

It has a living room, kitchen, toilet, bed, wood stove and mainframe computer which controls the legs.

The pod will take its maiden stroll around rural Cambridgeshire at the Wysing Arts Centre in Bourn on Thursday.

It was built by art collective N55 in Copenhagen, Denmark, who worked in conjunction with engineers at MIT in Massachusetts, USA.

Designers say it provides a solution to the problem of rising water levels as the house can simply walk away from floods.

The prototype cost £30,000 to build, including materials and time, but the designers believe it could be constructed for a lot less.

The artists in the N55 collective are Ion Sørvin, and Øivind Slaatto. Sam Kronick, from MIT designed the legs.

Mr Slaatto plans to live in the house when it returns to Copenhagen. He has been working on his pet project for two years and was inspired by his meetings with Romani travellers in Cambridgeshire.

He said: "This house is not just for travellers but also for anyone interested in a more general way of nomadic living.

Each leg is powered and works independently and is designed to always have three on the ground at any one time to ensure stability.

The makers hope the legs could be eventually mounted on any kind of structure and make it walk and several pods could be linked together for bigger houses.


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